ICT Minister receives outgoing UNICEF's Representative

26/06/2024 16:10
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KPL (KPL) Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Suansavanh Viyaketh received here in Vientiane on June 22 a courtesy call from outgoing from Pia Rebello Britto, UNICEF's Representative to the Lao PDR.

Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Suansavanh Viyaketh (R) receives UNICEF's Representative to the Lao PDR Pia Rebello Britto in Vientiane on June 25

(KPL) Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Suansavanh Viyaketh received here in Vientiane on June 22 a courtesy call from outgoing from Pia Rebello Britto, UNICEF's Representative to the Lao PDR.

At the amicable talks, Ms Suansavanh Viyaketh highly valued the role played by the UNICEF's Representative over the past years, noting that the UNICEF's Representative has actively contributed to strong partnership between UNICEF and MICT in promoting children's rights through media.

Ms Pia Rebello Britto expressed her heartfelt appreciation to Minister Vignaket for MICT's unwavering support over the past years. The MICT has ensured regular advocacy for women's and children’s well-being, reaching communities through the national and local press, radio, TV, and village loudspeakers.

The Media Laos page on Facebook by the Mass Media Department of MICT is a powerful tool for disseminating information to people in 18 provinces. Promotion of health and other information to people is through radio, TV, newspaper, community radio as well as social media. Youth Media by Lao National Radio recently celebrated its 20th Anniversary, and the successful launch of the ECD-TV shows “My Village” and “My House.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, MICT played a crucial role in reaching communities with life-saving information. More recently, a social behavior change-centered campaign on measles and rubella has significantly succeeded.

Looking ahead, UNICEF remains its commitment to supporting Lao PDR's national development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Future priorities include enhancing digital literacy among young people and using media to address vaccine hesitancy, gender-based violence, and other harmful practices.

"We believe that media, culture, and tourism hold the key to not only safeguarding their well-being but also enriching the human capital of the Lao PDR," highlighted by Pia Rebello Britto during the meeting. Additionally, "by engaging in these vibrant sectors, young people can actively contribute to society, fostering a brighter future for all."

In closing, Pia Rebello Britto expressed her gratitude for the partnership with MICT, stating, "The successes we have achieved together are a testament to our collective efforts. I am confident that the collaboration between MICT and UNICEF will continue to yield positive and better new outcomes for the children and young people of the Lao PDR."

The visit concluded on a positive note, with both parties looking forward to continued cooperation in promoting children's rights and well-being.


